Tuesday, 12 December 2006


Is it just a coincidence or there a correlation between AOL Instant Messenger and All In Monkeys? Enquiring minds demand an answer.

A Poker Tale.

First hand and I've got pocket kings
Two go all in and I fold

samariwarrior wins 10,025 with a pair of jacks
FloatMan wins 10,000 with a pair of jacks

poons: shame i chucked my kings really

They got AJ each. I did have the kings. They stole my blind, I could have trebled up.

Floatman then carries on all in.

FloatMan wins 30,050 with two pair, queens and deuces
bignick6905 finishes in 1,408th place
Starting hand #382,712,330
tootall30 wins 125
Starting hand #382,712,597
FloatMan wins 20,250 with an ace high flush
Marjon7469 finishes in 1,356th place

After quietly seething for a while Floatman plays an all in with pocket 4's
I've got Jacks, I take it.

poons wins 32,450 with a pair of jacks
Starting hand #382,720,619
poons: that was revenge for the kings on the 1st hand 8)

And then from no where comes Cleetus all in with 3K and a bit chips and fully expecting and early bath.

cleetusfitz: good luck
cleetusfitz wins 12,125 with two pair, tens and threes
poons: n1
Starting hand #382,721,102
cleetusfitz: wow
cleetusfitz: ty
cleetusfitz: lucky there
poons: not by a long shot
poons: better hand
poons wins 375
Starting hand #382,721,530
cleetusfitz: here we go again..lol
cleetusfitz wins 24,325 with a full house, threes full of kings
poons: rofl
Starting hand #382,722,032
cleetusfitz: lol
cleetusfitz: wow
cleetusfitz: sorry floatman

both times hitting off an angry Floatman.

And a few hands later Cleetus has his prey in his sights.

cleetusfitz wins 37,300 with two pair, kings and deuces
FloatMan finishes in 816th place

Floatman you are an *All In Monkey.
Cleetus that was some plays but I still beat ya 8-p

And now back at Worcesterfari something else....


At 12 December 2006 at 23:27 , Blogger Sgt. Squarehead said...

Cr@p@C@rds:> St00pid g@me.....Never liked it @nyw@y!


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